Justin, Morgan, and Jordan Singing
"This Little Light of Mi
I knew what I was doing because I had a whole year of clinicals but there is something completely different about doing it on your own. I saw many patients today diagnosing them with asthma, Urinary tract infections, reflux, parasites, allergies, and colds.
However, there were patients that I knew needed special doctors, like Dr. Lou our pediatrician or Charlie who could better translate their story about seizures or Dr. Jim who could diagnose foot problems. Though I did not know everything, I knew I had people to turn to. Though my light was little, I let it shine.

Did I mention we did all of this in the dark? Around 2 in the afternoon, the electricity in parts of Paita went out, but we put on clinic surround by candle light so that we were still able to help the people. There were no fans in the stuffy rooms, no WiFi to check our dosing or to translate, and no light for our rooms. But we did not let that falter our plans, we continued to let our light shine.
Even as the day wrapped up, everyone continued to help in the dark and pack more medications and vitamins for the day. This was complete closure for me and my theme of my little light. As I sat surrounded by my mission team, I knew that God was pleased with us and our efforts, even if he didn’t think we needed light to bag vitamins.
It’s amazing when God knocks on the door, how many people answer. I am so grateful to be surrounded by so many intelligent, kind, passionate people on this mission trip. Not everyone knows Spanish or has a medical background, but there is no way that this mission would function without everyone helping, and somehow everyone has become their perfect puzzle piece.
What a day! I like what you said about everyone fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. And Jordan got to play the guitar!!!🤗