Monday, September 24, 2018

Adios - See you Next Year!

Sister Monica and Sister Paula left for their home in Peru on September 21. They will be missed...until next year!!

The Sisters accomplished a lot while they were here. Some of the major accomplishment during their visit:
  • Met with the Peruvian Consulate in Chicago. They were a great help to us and provided us with the necessary information so that we could get approval to travel to Peru next year.
  • Visited St. Paul School and met the new principal, Angela Gunderson, and all the teachers and students. They were able to talk with the children and tour the school.
  • Talked at the Knights of Columbus Parish Breakfast
  • Had dinner and a planning meeting with the team going to Peru in 2019. Parishioners Lisa and Roy served a delicious dinner. We were able to have a birthday celebration for Sister Monica, Lisa B. and Lisa W.
  • Celebrated a half-day of friendship, prayer and relaxation at Holy Hill.
  • Visited the Mother House; met with the international team  and met with some of the retired Sisters.
  • Made a lot of new friends such as Ruth and Steve,  the first host family, and Lou and Mary Anne, the second host family. Thanks to the host families for making such delicious meals and for transporting them to their appointments.
  • Enjoyed their last evening at the home of Deb and Brian. Deb prepared a scrumptious dinner for a group of 10. What a fun evening! 
Thanks to all who made their visit happen. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Day on Lac la Belle - September 17

What a relaxing day on Lac la Belle! Judge for yourself!

  • Thanks to their hosts Scott and Michelle!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Dinner and Team Meeting - September 16

Thanks to Lisa and Roy for hosting the dinner and meeting at their beautiful home in Genesee. Seventeen people took time out of their Sunday to be at this meeting. Thank you, everyone. We met to finalize the dates of travel and other details. Here are a few pictures from that day.

Sister Paula, Sister Monica, Father Dan att St. Paul Church Prior to Meeting

Knights of Columbus Breakfast - September 16

The Knights of Columbus Volunteers
The Knights of Columbus sponsored a breakfast on Sunday and invited the two Sisters, from the order of the School Sisters of St. Francis, to the parish. A PowerPoint presentation was shown and the Sisters took time to answer questions. There was one poignant question, "how can we as parishioners help you?" Sister Monica stated that the 2019 medical mission team needs vitamins, medicines and medical supplies. 

Sister Paula

Sister Paula talked about the pharmacy that is associated with St. Clare School. She graduated from school and is a pharmacist, interning at a local hospital. She is managing this pharmacy.  She had stated that all medications left at the clinic after the mission trip is over are providing medicines to the people in the community of Paita. One parishioner immediately went to the store and bought nine bottles of vitamins. Thank you!

Sister Monica and Sister Paula

Sister Monica, Steve, Ruth, Sister Paula

Sister Monica Answering a Question

Holding the Vitamins Donated by Lucille

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Visiting St. Paul School - September 14

A PowerPoint presentation was shown to the children of St. Paul School. This presentation had pictures of St. Clare School in Paita, Peru and the community surrounding the school. Sister Monica answered the many questions the children had for them.  What a vibrant, Catholic Christian community! The Sisters really enjoyed their visit! Thank you for the opportunity to talk with the children!

The "Welcome Sisters" Bulletin Board

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Visiting Holy Hill - September 13

Another beautiful day in Wisconsin. Holy Hill is located in Hubertus, WI. It is the National Shrine of Mary, built high atop a glacial hill. Too early in the season for the Sisters to see the color changes of the trees surrounding the church. As a challenge, the Sisters walked the 178 steps to the top of the steeple. What a view! See for yourself!

Ruth, Connie, Sister Paula and Sister Monica

Sister Monica and Sister Paula

Ruth, Sister Paula, Sister Monica and Connie

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Getting Ready to Welcome the Sisters

In two weeks, Sister Monica and Sister Paula will be arriving in Chicago. This is Sister Paula's first visit to the USA.

We've decorated  a section of the Human Concerns bulletin board. We can't wait to see them!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Meet Sister Monica

I am Sister Monica Olguin from Lima, Perú. I am 50 years young (September 2nd is my birthday). I live in Paita, Peru, a large port in Paita.

I worked for many years at St. Clare School, as an English teacher, then as a manager,  and then as a principal until March, 2018. I also worked at our parish In Paita, on the Liturgy team. I was also responsible for the Confirmation Program at the parish. 

I like my religious life. Next January,  I am going to celebrate my 25th anniversary as a sister in the Franciscan order of the School Sisters of St. Francis. I recognize many gifts that God has given to me and I am very happy to serve people at my local parish and to serve the students at St. Clare School. 

I hope to see you soon and answer all your questions about Peru and how we live there!

Sister Monica

Meet Sister Paula (English)

My name Paula Girón Parrilla, from the Franciscan religious order School Sisters of St. Francis; I am a teacher of religion, history, geography and economics at Santa Clara School in Paita, Peru.. I am in charge of the administration of a pharmacy for the dispensing of medicines and training for people from different human settlements. For this reason I studied pharmaceutical chemistry, which I am currently completing. The objective of my second career is to continue offering a better service in health, pharmaceutical accompaniment and medical campaigns offered by the parish of Saint Paul Parish, Genesee Depot, WI.

I like to work with people from different human settlements because they are people who in many cases need training in the field of health, an aspect forgotten by the authorities.

My goal is the implementation of a larger pharmacy where there can be variety of medication and preparation of them to satisfy more needs, I hope in God to achieve it with the support of good people.

Conocer a Hermana Paula (español)

Mi nombre Paula Girón Parrilla, religiosa Franciscana, soy profesora de religión y de Historia, Geografía y economía en el colegio Santa Clara.

Soy la encargada de la administración de una farmacia para la dispensación de medicamentos  y formación para la gente de diferentes asentamientos humanos. por esta razón estudié  química farmaceútica, carrerra que la estoy culminando actualmente. El objetivo de mi segunda carrera es para continuar ofreciendo un mejor servicio en salud,  acompañamiento farmaceútico y campañas medicas ofrecidas por la parroquia San Pablo USA.

Me gusta trabajar con la gente de diferentes asentamientos humanos porque es gente que necesita en muchos casos formacion en el campo de la salud, aspecto olvidado por las autoridades.
mi objetivo es la implementación de una farmacia mas grande donde pueda haber variedad de medicamento y preparación de los mismos asi satisfacer mas necesidades, espero en Dios poder lograrlo con el apoyo de las buenas personas.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Delay in Shipping to Peru

Shipping donations to Peru is never easy. We are a small ministry. We don't have the money to send a container to Peru. However, St. Anthony on the Lake sends to Peru each summer or fall. Over the years, we've asked them to help us get our donations to Peru.

This year, St. Anthony on the Lake was busting at their seams with donations from parishioners and non-parishioners doing  missionary work in Peru. Since so many people had donations to send to Peru,  the shipping container filled up quickly. Some donations didn't fit in the container.  St. Paul's donations were some of the donations that didn't fit in the container.

What are we going to do now?

St. John the Baptist Church,  outside of Oklahoma City, has shipments going to Peru three times a year. St. Paul Parish has shipped with them in the past. We have asked Cheryl, head of their Peru Ministry, if they could help us again by sending our donations. She said, "Yes, we'll help you."

In October, St. Paul Parish will be driving to Oklahoma City, to drop off all the donations that'll be used during our June, 2019, medical mission trip.

In a few weeks, Charlie S., the physician assistant who oversees the medical staff and clinic activities, will be ordering all the medications needed for our clinic.

Please pray that all donations are shipped to Peru and available for our  June, 2019 medical mission trip.

Dear Lord,

Give us hope  that all things will turn out alright, and the way you intended it to be.
While we are doing our best to be strong and optimistic and true to Your teachings, please surround us with Your Love.

Your will be done!


Monday, August 13, 2018


Thanks to St. Paul Parish for taking a collection during Lent, 2018, and enabling our ministry to purchase 55 sets of Berkey water filters. Thanks to all the donors, large and small. You are giving families the opportunity to drink clean water.

Some of your donations were used to purchase miscellaneous supplies that'll be used when the team of missionaries goes to Peru in June, 2019. Thanks for your generosity to provide money to purchase these supplies.

Thanks to St. Anthony on the Lake in Pewaukee, for shipping these items to Peru!

Michael P. marking the St. Paul containers

Thanks to the people who have provided some unexpected donations. These donations will make a difference to many people.
  • Nicholas S. for purchasing over 100 flip-flop sandals. Thanks for sharing the money you had raised and for providing sandals to those in need in Peru.

    Blue container filled with flip-flop sandals
  • Lynn B. for sewing and donating over 100 sundresses. 
Sundresses made with Pillow Cases
The shipment will take anywhere from four to six months to get to Peru and to get through customs. Please pray that all the donations make it to Paita, Peru.

Thank you Everyone, for your Time, Talent, and Treasure!

Saturday, May 5, 2018


St. Paul Parish will be hosting two Peruvian Sisters from St. Clare School in Paita, Peru.  Can you provide a comfortable bed and transportation for a few days of their stay? They will be here from September 10 - 21, 2018. You don’t need to host them the entire time nor do you do not need to speak Spanish because they speak English!
Sister Monica
Sister Paula

The Sisters are Sister Monica, director of St. Clare School and Sister Paula, a new graduate in the field of pharmacy. They are both Franciscan sisters from the order of the School Sisters of St. Francis.
They will be very busy connecting with our parish and other organizations. We don’t want them to experience all work and no play! Do you have any suggestions or would like to host a fun activity? (e.g. boat ride, picnic lunch, site seeing, etc.) Please email us at if you'd like to help.

Friday, April 27, 2018


The Peru ministry called Connecting Hearts and Hands invites you to partake in the 2019 medical mission trip. This is our third medical mission. An informational meeting will be held on Sunday, May 20, 2018, in St. Paul's Family Room, after the 9am Mass.

Trip Goal: To provide basic medical care to the families living around St. Clare School in Paita, Peru.

When: Tentative dates are June 15 - 23, 2019. An additional side trip to Machu Picchu, an ancient Inca ruins, will follow the mission trip. Three days will be spent traveling around Cuzco and seeing Machu Picchu with a tentative return date of June 26th.

Who: We are seeking the skills of Spanish translators and medical professionals such as doctors, physician assistants, pharmacists, nurses, and people to cook and serve the medical team.

Please email us at with questions or if you're interested in attending.

The 2016 Medical Team