For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them.” (NABRE Ephesians 2:10)
Dear Lord,
Many of us are gathered here today to pray. Some of us may have had fears coming on thismission: Will I make a difference? What gifts do I have that I can share? How do I make a lasting impact? Please help us to remember that we are Your handiwork. You have created all of us with a special skill set so that we can serve Your people. Please help our gifts and skills to be honed and sharpened. Please bless our hearts, and calms our worries about being good enough and doing good enough. Please allow everyone here to know that they are here for a purpose and that their help is pivotal not only in our mission but in Your mission for us. Open our hearts, O Lord, that we can take special care of Your people.
Hope all is going well