Saturday, May 5, 2018


St. Paul Parish will be hosting two Peruvian Sisters from St. Clare School in Paita, Peru.  Can you provide a comfortable bed and transportation for a few days of their stay? They will be here from September 10 - 21, 2018. You don’t need to host them the entire time nor do you do not need to speak Spanish because they speak English!
Sister Monica
Sister Paula

The Sisters are Sister Monica, director of St. Clare School and Sister Paula, a new graduate in the field of pharmacy. They are both Franciscan sisters from the order of the School Sisters of St. Francis.
They will be very busy connecting with our parish and other organizations. We don’t want them to experience all work and no play! Do you have any suggestions or would like to host a fun activity? (e.g. boat ride, picnic lunch, site seeing, etc.) Please email us at if you'd like to help.