Wednesday, June 25, 2014

La Clinica - Miercoles

It's Wednesday.  The first time this trip where we have had a larger amount if time to sit and reflect on the last few days.  No matter how much preparation, the first day usually feels like a "fly by the seat of your pants" experience.  I personally was thrown a hurdle to overcome on the first day.  The women on this mission trip are a group of the most wonderful people I know.  The problem was analyzed, trouble shot, and solved in minutes.  The rest of the day was not without additional stresses and obstacles, but they were met with the same fortitude by this group.  The second day has gone much more smoothly and with a great deal less stress.  I thank my prayer sponsor for that:)


The patients who present to the clinic are grateful we have come.  We have treated a number of people for malnutrition and parasites.  A few people have been newly diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure.  Even providing a small supply of Tylenol has been met with much gratitude.

Charlie and I spent this afternoon at a child screening clinic.  They were tested for a number of parasites and anemia (low red blood cell counts and usually iron deficiency). There is a lot of it down here.

We met Fabiana and her mother this afternoon.  She is a typical child with a medical condition, but lives in a less than ideal environment.  She likes recess, and likes to read--mainly fantasy books.  She has thinning hair and a number of lesions on her skin.  The vitamins we are bringing to her should help, but are probably not enough for the demand her medical condition places on her body.  Despite her condition, she is happy and go lucky.  And very polite!  :)

The roads and neighborhoods are dusty and dirty.  Despite the clouds, it does not rain much here.  Last winter, it rained seven times.  Not too many times this year, so far.  They have garbage collection, but the streets and open area are riddled with litter.  The housing here is very modest.  There are no water treatment plants, so we filter our drinking water and even use our water bottles for brushing our teeth.  The laundry is done in buckets and rinsed the same way and hung to dry.  Usually, the clothing is dry by the evening.    

The work is hard.  The company is great.  Having fun and making light of moments when possible.  The sisters are awesome.  Another group of fun loving women who can solve problems and bust down walls with little to no effort.

I would have to say we have all worked very hard so far.  Despite fatigue, we show no signs of letting up.  Kudos to Catherine for putting up with my lack of Spanish.  She has been my right hand for communicating with our patients.

Need to get food and start getting ready for tomorrow.  More to come!

Peggy Stickney, MD


  1. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to share this update. GOD bless you and the families you are helping. HE will watch over you and keep you safe. We miss you and await the next blog about this great adventure you all are on.

  2. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day. GOD bless the families you are helping and keep you safe. YOUR family loves you and wait to hear more fromyou on this great adventure you are on.

  3. God bless you and the families you're helping. WE love you and wait to get the next update. Be safe and enjoy this great experience.Thank all around you today for their great works of kindness.

  4. Peggy, thank you for your dedication to helping others , or you would not be serving so many right now. Prayers are being said daily for the team; as well as a specific one for solving problems. God is more "visible" during missions!
