Here's are some of our future plans for Peru.
- Eleven families from St. Paul Family Program have signed up for the Families Praying for Families Program. Their pictures have been sent to Peru and 11 families in Peru will send a picture to our families and they will pray for one another.
- The children from St. Paul School will raise money to purchase books for St. Clare School during their Scholastic Book Fair held in November.
- During Lent, St. Paul Parish, Genesee Depot, WI, will be collecting eye glasses and mobility devices. We will send them to Peru in July. The second collection during Lent will provide funds to multiple Human Concerns ministries. Peru will be one of the ministries.
- We're hoping to connect with the Lion's Club so that we can get eyeglasses for future trips to Peru.
- In September, 2018, Sister Monica and another sister will be coming to Wisconsin to visit with our parish. We're talking about having her speak to our parish after the Masses and possibly have a fundraiser while she's here. Sister Monica has a 1980 Explorer. It is in terrible shape. The sisters need a new vehicle. We may possibly use some of the money from the collection to help the sisters fund a new vehicle.
- St. Paul Parish will continue to provide water purification systems. Each system costs around $100.
- Last but not least, we're planning another medical mission in June, 2019. More information will be provided soon about this medical mission.
We are always looking for volunteers. If you have an interest, please email Thank you for reading the blog.